You need to properly reload your gun with reloading dies. These will improve your gun control’s accuracy, safety and efficiency.
The best reloading tools for accuracy are essential to avoid jamming, misses, and unstable rounds. There are so many options that it can be difficult to choose the right one.
We are here to help you find the best reloading dies on the market. We will tell you all about the top brands, what you should look for when shopping, the types and brands of reloading dens, and more.
Best Reloading Dies: our and customer choices
Last update on 2024-01-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Best by our choice: If you are a serious competition shooter who demands the absolute best out of their reloads, then this match grade die set from Hornady may be right up your alley. This Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension 2 Die Set is a fantastic die set from a fantastic company that should perform well above your expectations.
Best by customer choice: If you’re a casual pistol reloader and you want a reliable reloading set that won’t break the bank, then the Lee Precision Deluxe Carbide 4-Die Set is a great setup for you.
Lee Precision – 4 expanding die – Deluxe Pistol Die Set and factory crimp die is the best budget choice if you are limited in budget, but want to get started right now, this is also a great option in terms of quality and price.
Lee Precision, RCBS and Lyman are all well-known brands. You will enjoy a great customer experience, with excellent communication and high quality products. Consider well-respected brands, even if they are slightly more expensive. Choose the best option and get the job done!
- Country Of Origin: United States
- Product Type: Sporting Goods
- Item Package Dimensions: 8.636 L X 26.67 W X 32.258 H (Cm)
- Item Package Weight: 1.61 Kilograms
- Convenient Carrying Case
- Perfect Die Set for a .308
- High Quality Construction
- Package Dimensions: 4.88" L x 5.88" W x 1.63" H
- For Reloading 308 Wincher Rounds
- Set Is Complete, With Shell Holder, Powder Measure And Famous Lee Load Data Featuring All Common Brands Of Powder In An Easy To Read Logical Format
- Full Length-Resizing Die Returns Brass To Factory Dimensions; Collet Neck Sizing Die Helps Provide The Best Possible Accuracy
- Easy Adjust Dead Length Bullet Seating Die Foolproof The Bullet Seating Adjustment
Last update on 2024-01-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Top 5 Best Reloading Dies
1. Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension 2 Die Set
- Caliber: .300 PRC
- Die Type: Full Length Sizer and Seater
- Threads: 7/8"-14
- unisex-adult
Last update on 2024-01-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Hornady Custom Grade New Dimension Reloading Dies Set is sturdy and will last a lifetime. This best reloading dies is made from heat-treated or hardened steel. These small base 2 die set 22/5.56 will load cartridges through semi-automatic die rifle.
The compression washer provides a slight tension which allows you to make adjustments and keeps the settings in place. You will also receive two Sure-lock rings and a plastic storage container. You will need to purchase the shell holder separately.
This package contains 2 dies. The full-length sizer has an elliptical extender that allows for smooth release from case neck. This prevents neck stretch. A zip spindle is also included in the sizer die. It has light threads on the spindle as well as a spindle collet. The spindle can be turned for small adjustments, just like a bushing-type or die.
However, the Sure-Loc will prevent the spindle slipping. Hornady’s compression washer makes it easier to tighten the spindle lock during adjustment. This prevents damage from occurring during reloading.
Hornady offers custom grade dies for a wide range of cartridges. They are available in a variety of sizes, including a.17 Hornet to a Nitro Express. This line of best reloading dies can be paired with Hornady’s MicroJust stem assembly to ensure the high end accuracy in handloading.
2. Lee Precision Deluxe Carbide 4-Die Set without match grade
- Can be Used to Load the 10MM Auto
- Easy to Transport
- Easy to use
- Country of Origin:United States
Last update on 2024-01-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
This carbide die set includes a full-length die, decapping unit and a neck sizing die. This best reloading dies allows you to resize or reshape your case without the need to lubricate. You will experience a greater speed in the high quality reloading process with that taper crimp die set or expanding die.
The resizing die produces accurate shells. While you are charging your case with powder, the expanding die allows you to expand and belly your case mouth. This set of dies includes a full length bullet seating die that ensures consistent bullet depth.
A shell holder, load data sheet, and a powder dipper are all included at crimp die set Lee Precision. The flat 4 reloading die plastic container is also included. These best reloading dies will make reloading easy and quick for beginners, but without match-grade accuracy.
The Lee Precision 4 Die Deluxe Pistol Die Set makes a great choice for casual pistol reloaders who want a reliable set of reloading tools that won’t break your bank.
3. Lee Precision – 4 expanding die – Deluxe Pistol Die Set and factory crimp die
- Lee 9mm Luger Pistol 4-Die Set.
- Easy to Transport
- Includes Carbide Full Length Die, Bullet Seating Die, Powder Thru Expanding Die, Carbide Factory Crimp Die, Universal Shell Holder, Powder Dipper and Instructions/Load Data
Last update on 2024-01-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
This four-piece Lee Precision pistol Factory Crimp die set comes with a full-length die carbide sizing, expanding, and crimping carbide die set. They are made from carbide sizing and can withstand abrasion for many years.
This four-piece pistol set includes full-length carbide sizing, expanding, and a powder through die. They are made from carbide and can withstand abrasion for many years.
The Lee Precision Carbide die is what really makes this stand out. That best reloading dies separates the crimping, making adjustments much easier and more efficient. Lee Precision Carbide Factory Crimp Die posts sizes your rounds to ensure that they fit perfectly in your gun’s chamber.
Lee Precision Factory Crimp Die allows for more reliable ammunition with greater accuracy.
You will also find a shell holder and load data to help you keep track of what you are doing. You can choose from eight calibers of the Lee Precision Taper Crimp Die set, including the special.50 Beowulf version that does not include the load data or powder dipper.
4. RCBS 20515 Carbide Die Set – The Best Reloading Dies for 9mm Luger
Last update on 2024-08-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
This set is the best if you are looking for high-quality reloading tools. This RCBS 20515 Carbide Die Set is of top quality construction. It is also very accurate. You will be amazed at the results.
RCBS is an expert in using 3-die set. This best reloading dies is applicable to both straight-walled three die rifle and handgun round. Brand’s handy carbide sizing ring eliminates the need for case lube when reloading.
The above-mentioned best reloading die resizes your case correctly. Because RCBS knows how sensitive semi-automatic and repeating rifle die can be to case size. RCBS reloading three die sets and all other tools are known for their factory-standard precision in resizing die.
The bullet seating die on the best reloading die set allows you to use different types of projectiles. Projectiles are usually includes a full length dies. This can vary slightly, however. The plug can be used for self-defense hollow point projectiles and wadcutters.
5. Redding Type S Match Grade Bushing Full Die Sets
- Type S-Bushing Full Length Sizing Die
- Competition Seating Die
- Plastic storage box
- Shellholder not included.
Last update on 2024-01-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Redding’s bushing-reloading die sets have advantages: match-grade accuracy and they add tension to the case neck, which ensures that there are no velocity inconsistencies while you’re shooting. Redding Type S Match Bushing Full Die Set includes a Type S Bushing Full Sizing Die, Competition Bullet Seating Die and often match grade.
The neck sizing die gives you complete control over the size of the case neck and match grade accuracy, too. This is something standard reloading die sets cannot offer. The Competition Bullet Seating Die has a floating seating stem that eliminates concentricity problems.
The bullet seating die also includes a micrometer that can be calibrated in increments of 0.01 inches, which increases the reliability of finished rounds. So, it si a nice item for Match-grade accuracy.
The best reloading die set includes a box for storage. All Type S Competition Bullet Seating Die as one of the best reloading dies have interchangeable bushing, which allows you to adjust the neck tension to meet your needs.
Why buy great reloading dies?
It can be difficult to get into the reloading business. There are many steps involved, many factors to take into consideration, and many measurements to be taken. You will soon realize that the benefits far outweigh any effort when you get your first reloading press and die set.
Great reloading dies can be bought for many reasons, including their affordability, increased accuracy, performance, and commercial ammunition shortages. It’s also a great hobby to start.
If your gun is collecting dust, we don’t recommend reloading it. Instead, store it in a gun safety. Because it takes time to recover the cost, reloading is not something that should be done by every shooter. If you shoot often, however, you’ll notice the cost savings you make by reusing the brass cartridge case and shotgun shell hull.
These can be reused multiple times. Because of their consistent trajectory, it is economical and you get the best accuracy from your shots. Your cartridges and shells can be customized to fit your firearms. Reloading dies offer many benefits.
Things to consider before purchasing reloading dies
Different types of reloading dies
There are generally five types of reloading die sets. You will need to decide if you want all five or only the two basic die sets to resize the cartridge bullet and place it.
Resize Die
This die is half of the basic die set that includes a resizing die and seating die. This die is used to start the reloading process. The Caliber of your chosen Caliber will determine the shape of this die. The basic function of the resizing die is to resize your used cartridge back to its original dimensions.
Bullet Seating Die
Bullet seating tool is an essential die and comes in all the basic die sets. It is responsible for securing the bullet in the cartridge. The core of the die holds the cartridge in position, aligns and then inserts the bullet into the cartridge with one stroke. You can expect the bullet seating die to be inside any die set you purchase, regardless of which one you choose (bullet seating one or not).
Case trimming die
You can add the case trimming die to your existing die set. You have more control over the entire reloading process. With prolonged use, the case of your cartridge will become longer. To regain its original form, the case must be trimmed. The case trimming die performs the operation of trimming the case to resize it effortlessly.
Expanding die
An additional die, the expanding die, is included in four to five sets of dies. This die is not required for a single-stage press. This die is used in progressive presses, where it funnels powder into the case. An elliptical expander die might be an option if you are using an automatic press.
Factory Crimp Die
A three-die set will have the factory roll crimp, so the third die may be the one you are looking at. The crimping die must be purchased separately for a two dies set. The crimping tool allows for more control over the seating or reloading process. The crimping die crimps your seated bullet for greater effectiveness and precision.
Types of reloading Dies: comparison
Carbide vs hardened steel dies
The majority of tools are made from either hardened steel or carbide. Carbide dies can be more costly. They are generally more durable than their steel counterparts. Hardened steel Steel dies can still be reliable and last a long time, even if you have a tight budget.
Carbide dies:
Hardened Steel dies:
Comparison of 3-die sets and 4-die sets
Reloaders often ask if they should purchase a 3-die or 4-die set. A 3-die set is usually fine and has been used for many years without major problems. The factory crimp is the main benefit of 4-die sets. These can be used to produce reliable and more accurate rounds, especially for pistol shooters.
The 4-die set should be preferred by pistol shooters, while the 3-die set is more suitable for rifle die shooters who don’t require the factory crimp. So, it`s the difference between 3-die set and 4-die set.
Lee Dies vs RCBS Dies
Both dies are excellent, and both offer the quality you expect from dies. They work the same way, so there is no difference.
On average, RCBS brands are more appealing. These dies have a nicer exterior finish, with some of them featuring some impressive-looking knurling.
These differences are not about functionality, but about aesthetics. Both die sets are equally effective in this reloading-die comparison.
However, RCBS is a little more prominent in the industry when it comes brand name snobbery. The RCBS brand is more established than most, and it also belongs to a larger group that deals with military weapons.
You’d still find many Lee enthusiasts out there. Many Lee reloading denizens are surprised at the results, even though they are inexpensive.
Lee vs Hornady Dies
Hornady may have a higher reputation than Lee Precision. Some reloaders will only use Hornady equipment.
Hornady’s death have the reputation of being able to stay in place once they are die set. They don’t talk about drift issues.
You may also read about some drift issues related to Lee’s death from time to time.
The die can shift slightly, so you might need to tighten them occasionally. However, Lee die sets may drift less than 1/100th of an inch after 500 rounds.
Some people have noticed that Hornady adjustments can be more complicated than adjusting Lee deaths.
Full Length vs. Regular Reloading Dies
You may see them called a “full-length” sizing die when you shop for sizing tools. “Full-length die” is the regular die. However, it is different from the “small-base” die.
Because the small base variant is located further down the body than the standard full-length sizing die set, the popular choice is the standard full-length sizing. The brass is less worked by the small base die, which can eventually reduce its useful life.
Lyman vs RCBS Reloading Dies
Many people have testified to the quality of RCBS Dies. You can open the box and take out the dies sets and get started using them immediately. You can expect everything to work as expected.
However, RCBS brand die sets are generally more expensive than other brands. This is especially true when compared with Lyman deaths. Lyman die sets can be found for about 1/3 of the price of RCBS.
Although many people say that Lyman dies work well for them, there are some who have had issues with theirs. Many people are dissatisfied by the Lyman customer support.
Top Reloading Dies Brands
When it comes to reloading your dies, you must stick with the most well-known brands. The reputation for quality and reliability that more well-known brands have earned over years of selling dies is not as strong for new brands.
Hornady, RCBS and other brands are trusted for decades. They have been manufacturing tools since forever.
Although the brand Lee Precision is relatively new, it has quickly gained a reputation for its high quality products. As many Lee fans will confirm, these die sets are worth your consideration.
How to use your Reloading Dies
You only need to screw the dies into your Reloading Press and lock them in. You should apply lubricant to steel die sets before you use them. Carbine dies don’t require any lubricant.
You’ll need to adjust the depth of your seating to ensure that your bullet is seated in the correct place. Always refer to the instructions before you use your dies set. Different brands may have different setup processes.
Adjusting and Trouble shooting Reloading Dies
The depth settings of the dies set could be faulty if the ammunition is reloaded at the last stage, usually crimping. It is usually a seating or crimping issue that causes this problem.
However, it could also be caused by earlier stages of the reloading process. Single stage press should have the problem identified as each round passes through each stage. Each round can be inspected when it is out of the press.
For Turret and progressive presses It may not be obvious. To determine which stage is responsible, remove the round from each stage until you see the distortion. This will reveal the problem with the die setting at the last stage.
Because of the many variations in systems I will be addressing, I will be very general about the types and types of dies that I will address. Some dies perform multiple jobs at once, making them difficult to talk about, such as combination seating/crimping and decapping/resizing die. We will stick to one task die for simplicity.
Decapping Dies
Decapping resizing die will always have a thin pin running along the center of the die. Its sole purpose is to push the primer out of case by projecting through the primer hole. There is a risk that the die body may be too low and cause damage to the case.
Adjust the die body so it doesn’t touch the case. Also, adjust the decapping pin so that it just barely pushes the primer out of the case. Use some decapping tools that have spring-loaded decapping tips. These are very self-adjusting. These types of decapping tools do not need to be adjusted if the body does not touch the case mouth.
Another thing to note about decapping is that the pin can become bent or loosen in its shell holder. The decapping pin’s pressure can cause damage to brass cases. The case may be damaged if the decapping pin hits the base of a case rather than the primer hole.
This is a warning: Keep an eye on the decapping pin. It should be straight and securely held in place. It is a good idea to perform a routine check prior to each session. It is common for the decapping pin to protrude below the base of a decapping die, and can thus be visually checked for straightness. If it is loose, you can simply push the pin with your finger.
Seating Dies
The type of projectile used will affect the seat die depth adjustment. Seating dies include whether the projectile has either a crimping groove, or cannelure. Another important consideration is the Overall Ammunition Load (OAL).
The OAL of a specific caliber should not be exceeded. This will minimize the possibility for misfeeds in semi-autos and cylinder obstruction in revolvers. If the projectile of seating dies is loaded towards the top end of the maximum powder charge, it may be difficult to seat the projectile at the right height.
Adjust the seat depth to ensure that the OAL is lower than the maximum caliber. Also, place the projectile at the proper depth for the crimping operation.
Crimping Dies
Crimping and adjustments to seating are inextricably interconnected and depend on the type and use of the projectile and firearm. In my previous articles, I discussed crimping in greater detail.
The “Cliff notes version”: A crimp should only be sufficient to hold the projectile in place during firing, until all powder is burned. The crimp should be applied at the point where the projectile has a cannule (crimping groove). If there is no crimping groove on the projectile, the crimp should be placed at that point.
Resizing Dies
To return the case’s correct size, the resizing die works on the outside of it. This must be done for the full length die set of the case. For rimless cases, the general rule is to adjust your resizing dies so it falls to within 50 thousandths to an inch of the case’s rim.
This can be described as “about the thickness a dime” for some presses. It is the full length between the bottom of your die and the case-holder plate at the maximum depth.
Although the exact measurement depends on the thickness of your case holder plates, an extra 20 thousandths inch should be sufficient. This is equivalent to approximately 1/2 turn for a die with 18 TPI thread.
Basically, you need to screw the resizing die down until it touches the case plate and then turn it back by 1/2 turn. This clearance is for a.357 S&W Magnum in a Dillon 650 press.
Case Belling Dies
To ensure that the projectile is in place during seating, case belling (expanding), should be kept to a minimum. Too much belling can cause premature case splitting and case fatigue. It may also lead to the case mouth collapsing on the edge of a seating die set, causing damage. Figure 5 illustrates a.357 projectile and a case with too much belling. Another shows the right amount of belling to fit most applications.
To ensure that the projectile is in place during seating, case belling (expanding), should be kept to a minimum. Too much belling can cause premature case splitting and case fatigue.
It may also lead to the case mouth collapsing on the edge of a seating die set, causing damage. Figure 5 illustrates a.357 projectile and a case with too much belling. Another shows the right amount of belling to fit most applications.
They worked just fine right out of the box. Glad that it contained the die to size it to factory dimensions because it really was necessary on quite a few of my reloads. I assume that they will work just fine for a long while especially given the volume of reloading that I will probably do. The only negative I have on the set is that the markings on the dies do not really seem to match what the die is for. You have to look at the picture and then at the dies to determine which die is which. The documentation calls it something and the stampings on the side do not match in a way that I was able to figure out. I have other dies and they would have something like FLS when it is a full length sizer. I have up to now not been able to discern what the codes might mean. I understand that it is a small issue but with the exception of the die that also decaps the case I was not absolutely certain I had the right die until after the first use. Two of the dies look similar enough that if you are not careful they could easily be set up in the wrong order.
While Lee gets a bad rap some times, I think that they make some amazing dies.
I have a Dillon 550 that these work great in. Would still be using my Lee Turret which I actually think I was faster on, but my mom storing it in the shed while I was overseas kind of let rust set in, to the point I gave up trying to break it free.
The Carbide Die Set is the way to go, especially on pistol. It saves time and effort by not requiring the use of lube for re-sizing.
The Dies are set and forget, but after a few hundred rounds, will need to tighten them back down a touch unless you use some thread locker on the threads. The amount is minimal, but I think it was after about 400 hundred rounds, drift was .01 inches. Not a lot for just target shooting, but could make a difference if you are pushing max or minimum overall length. Unless I am going accuracy loads for my rifles, I shoot for the middle so a touch of drift is not painful (literally and figuratively! HA!) If they had a set screw on the locking nut, might be better or on the ring for the bullet seater die.
These are good enough I use Lee Dies for everything on my press.
I was debating between the 3 and 4 die set. I am glad I went for the 4. I have no problems with the set. The instructions are clear and accurate. Very pleased with the outcome. I am a first time reloader. . I will note that the first shipment was incomplete. One of the dies was missing a lock nut. Since I don’t know how Amazon’s supply chain works (do they re-ship returns to other customers?) I am not going to fault Lee nor Amazon. The return was smooth as silk and my second set was shipped promptly.
I got the full set of four dies (.40 S&W) because I intended to use one die for the Lee Bulge Buster kit and the powder through die with the Lee auto drum powder measure on my turret press. I thought I was getting a two for one deal essentially rather than buying those dies separately and another set for the press. It didn’t;’t take seconds to realize that the De-capping/Sizing die wasn’t concentrically centered. I won’t even try using that! But the die set is cheap where at least I have the other two I needed and a spare seating die I know inherently don’t trust. The .40 S&W is not a complicated case nor do I ever plan to shoot competition with it so I figured why invest in expensive dies.
Very nice product. I have a Dillon 550C and have always used Dillon dies. I wanted to set up to load 380acp and thought I would give the Lee carbide dies a try after reading all of the good reviews. I especially wanted to give them a try for the very nice price that they were going for on Amazon. I was very pleasantly surprised at to how good they worked in my press. I’m defiantly going to purchase the dies again when I need to load something new. Hope this helps someone in there decision.
I use Lee,RCBS and Hornady….I started re-loading about a year ago and thank God I did….I live in upstate NY and you cant find ammo or re-loading stuff. I got lucky last week and found 2000 small pistol primers and 2000 small pistol magnum and they were just 33.00 per 1000…I almost felt guilty taking them….all the best stay safe and thanks for your hard work for us
This is excellent just bought almost everything i need to reload this will help big time lee for pistol an Hornady for rifle die
I always look forward to watching your comprehensive videos!! You are always thorough with your descriptions and evaluations. I appreciate that!! Stay safe out there!! Thanks for all that you do for the reloading community!!